Coronation Orchard - Deenethorpe

Community spirit abounded recently on a sunny spring day, when residents of Deenethorpe and Brudenell Estate staff met with the pleasant task of planting young fruit trees to provide an orchard for the village.
Deene and Deenethorpe Parish Council approached the Stamford Community Orchards Group, who donated the trees as part of a scheme to revive orchards throughout the Rockingham Forest area.
This funding has been made available through the Coronation Living Heritage Fund as part of Defra’s £758m Nature for Climate Fund and will be called ‘Coronation Orchard’ in celebration of the coronation of HM King Charles III.
To support this collaboration Mr and Mrs Brudenell kindly gave permission for a piece of estate land to be used, along with long-term access for the residents.
Many of the trees planted have been cultivated from specimens pre-dating the 1930’s in an effort to conserve and promote traditional orchard trees, namely -
Apple – Bramley, Wyken Pippen, Adams Pearmain, Egremont Russet, Blenheim Orange, Bloody Ploughman, Lord Peckover, Barnack Beauty, Discovery
Plum – Early Prolific, Kirkes Blue
Pear – Louise Bonne of Jersey, Doyenne du Comice
Quince – Vranja
Also included are Wild Pear, Service Trees and Damson.
The orchard will not only provide delicious fruit, but beautiful blossom in spring and will support the local eco-system by attracting pollinators and small mammals. Windfall fruit is also a great source of food for birds, butterflies and wildlife.
This project compliments Brudenell Estates’ mission to enhance carbon absorption and promote woodland management. In 2019 two plantations were created in Deenethorpe under the Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation Scheme and planted with mixed native species of broadleaved and coniferous trees which will grow into woods supporting a wide range of biodiversity. These saplings were planted within two secure dog-walking areas next to the A43, to provide a buffer zone for the village from the noise of the traffic as well as a popular and well maintained amenity space.