‘Deene Park is one of the best-shown houses in England, because visitors see it as it is lived in, and lived in fully as any house in England, with all the main rooms and all the gardens regularly in use.
John Cornforth


By Road

Deene Park is located 4 miles northeast of Corby off the A43.

The house is signposted from the main road.

Cars: Porters Lodge visitor entrance, located on the A43, is at postcode: NN17 3EG

Porters Lodge is directly opposite the turning for Deenethorpe village.

what3words: ///sings.waistcoat.irony

Coaches: The North Gate entrance, on Kirby Lane, is at postcode: NN17 3EW whats3words: ///entitles.concerned.riper


By Rail

The nearest train station is Corby which is approximately 15 minutes away by car. London to Corby is 1 hour and 10 minutes by rail.


OS Reference

SP950 929 – 6m NE of Corby off A43.