By Road
Deene Park is located 4 miles northeast of Corby off the A43.
The house is signposted from the main road.
Cars: Porters Lodge visitor entrance, located on the A43, is at postcode: NN17 3EG
Porters Lodge is directly opposite the turning for Deenethorpe village.
what3words: ///sings.waistcoat.irony
Coaches: The North Gate entrance, on Kirby Lane, is at postcode: NN17 3EW whats3words: ///entitles.concerned.riper
By Rail
The nearest train station is Corby which is approximately 15 minutes away by car. London to Corby is 1 hour and 10 minutes by rail.
OS Reference
SP950 929 – 6m NE of Corby off A43.